The Oskar von Miller Forum is a project of the Stiftung Bayerisches Baugewerbe Stiftung (foundation of the Bavarian construction industry). Name of the foundation: Stiftung Bayerisches Baugewerbe.
Stiftung Bayerisches Baugewerbe, Board of Directors
Lessingstrasse 4
80336 Munich
Phone: +49 89 53989-0
Fax: +49 89 53989-70
Headquarters of the foundation: Munich
Legal status: Foundation under civil law
Type of foundation: Public (not municipal) foundation
Executive bodies of the foundation: Board of Directors, Board of Trustees
Legal representation: Board of Directors, consisting of: Hans Beer, Robert Feiger, Dipl. Ing. Peter Gruber, Thomas Schmid
Founder: Gemeinnützige Urlaubskasse des Bayerischen Baugewerbes e.V.
Date of establishment: 18.12.2003
Purpose: The promotion of education in the construction industry as well as science and research in the field of construction, art in construction, environmental protection, landscape conservation and listed buildings as well as the welfare of employees in the construction industry and their families, in Bavaria in each case.
Supervisory authority: Government of Upper Bavaria
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Fotos © Astrid Eckert und Oskar von Miller Forum
Conception and Layout
ediundsepp Gestaltungsgesellschaft, München
wowholic, München