The Oskar von Miller Forum

As an international and interdisciplinary forum, the Oskar von Miller Forum sets outstanding impulses with its programme.

A place of encounter

Inspiration. Providing Excellence, Interdisciplinary, Intercultural.

The Oskar von Miller Forum is an independent educational institution of the Bavarian construction industry.

As an international forum where people from diverse construction-related disciplines can meet and exchange ideas, the Oskar von Miller Forum contributes exciting ideas and inspiration to the education of a new generation of civil engineers, environmental engineers and architects at the Technische Universität München, the University of Applied Sciences and of construction technicians at the Städtische Baufachschule München.

Challenging lectures by high-ranking architects and engineers on current and interdisciplinary topics from construction-related fields are main elements of the programme.



10 Years Oskar von Miller Forum - The Movie

Shaping the future together

Construction technicians, students of Departments Architecture and Civil & Environmental Engineering of TUM School of Engineering and Design of Technical University Munich, as well as students of faculties architecture and civil engineering of the University of Applied Sciences with above-average academic performance can apply for a programme scholarship with paid place of residence.

This way they are supported in their pursuit of excellence. The Oskar von Miller Forum considers technical expertise and social skills to lie at the heart of excellence. The ability to recognise connections, personal initiative, staying power, a sense of responsibility and specialist knowledge, these are some of the characteristics that are of central importance. Social skills, such as the ability and willingness to communicate, to respond appropriately in any given situation, and reliability in one’s dealings with others also play an important role in the cultivation of excellence.



Leadership Seminar im Oskar-von-Miller Forum Muenchen; Coaching fuer die Stipendiaten mit Antje Ireland und Isabelle Krier; fotografiert am 18.11.2022; Foto: © Astrid Eckert

Project Sponsors

The Oskar von Miller Forum is an independent educational institution of the parties to the collective agreement and is sponsored by the foundation Stiftung Bayerisches Baugewerbe.

The parties to the collective agreement are Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband e.V., Verband baugewerblicher Unternehmer Bayerns e.V., Verband der Zimmerer und Holzbauunternehmer in Bayern e.V. and Industriegewerkschaft Bauen – Agrar – Umwelt.

Bayerischer Bauindustrieverband BBIV (Association of Bavarian construction industry) represents the interests of the Bavarian construction industry vis-à-vis the trade unions, legislators, government and public administration in Bavaria.

Landesverband Bayerischer Bauinnungen LBB (State Association of Bavarian Construction Guilds) is the employer's and trade association of the construction firms organised in the Bavarian construction guilds.

Verband der Zimmerer und Holzbauunternehmer in Bayern LBB (State Association of Bavarian Construction Guilds) is the employer's and trade association of the construction firms organised in the Bavarian construction guilds.

The Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt industrial trade union (IG BAU) represents the interests of around 400,000 workers employed in the German construction and building materials industries, in agriculture and forestry, building management, environmental protection and conservation as well as waste disposal and recycling.



The Oskar von Miller Forum is continually expanding its international and interdisciplinary network for former scholarship holders.

Alumni are invited to lectures and events so that they continue to gain inspiration for their further development through the exchange of expertise.

International exchange and networking between scholarship holders and alumni are promoted through online lectures by alumni followed by discussions. Here, alumni pass on their knowledge to future generations of scholarship holders. In addition, scholarship holders and alumni exchange information about future prospects and career opportunities in the construction industry in an alumni mentoring programme.

The annual summer festival gives residents and alumni an opportunity to become acquainted and meet again.

Practice talk with architect Martin Haas, Partner bei haascookzemmrich, moderated by scholarship holder Marlene Stechl und OvMF Alumnus Evgenii Vargylin, photo © Astrid Eckert
Workshops with Alumni; photos: © Astrid Eckert