EventsAesthetics – Technology – Space – ­Location

Aesthetics – Technology – Space – ­Location

Dietmar Feichtinger

Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes, France, Paris

Event from
01 February
Photo from Dietmar Feichtinger



In a presentation of his projects, Dietmar Feichtinger illustrated the relationship between spatial perception, technical implementation and beauty. He described the influence of various geographical situations, urban spac­es and natural landscapes on the design process. In this way, the interpretation of design tasks becomes the stimulating element of his projects, and everything is developed starting from a constructional and spatial approach.

Dietmar Feichtinger also highlighted that he tries to find a specific answer to each design task and location, whether embedded in an urban or landscape context.

Dietmar Feichtinger

The Austrian architect Dietmar Feichtinger founded Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes in Paris in 1994. A branch office in Vienna was added in 2002. Dietmar Feichtinger has been teaching at various universities including the University of Paris VI – La Villette, RWTH Aachen Uni­versity, and the Universities of Innsbruck and Vienna. He was admitted to Berlin Akademie der Künste in 2014. His work has been awarded numerous prizes. The pedestrian bridge Passerelle Simone-de-Beauvoir in Paris alone won five prizes. In 2017, the Passerelle de la Paix (Footbridge of Peace) in Lyon was awarded the German Steel Engineering Award, in 2015 the bridge to Mont-Saint-Michel won the French steel construction award Trophées Eiffel, and in 2008 the Three Countries Bridge crossing the Rhine River won the German Bridge Engineering Award.


The projects presented included schools, sport facilities and swimming pools, office and residential buildings, as well as bridges in various ­European cities. Dietmar Feichtinger also described his most recent project – the design of a security barrier around the Eiffel Tower in Paris protecting it from attacks.

Project from Dietmar Feichtinger –
Footbridge Simone-de-Beauvoir in Paris; Foto: David Boureau
Project from Dietmar Feichtinger – Fußgängerbrücke Simone-de-Beauvoir in Paris
Zentrale Veolia, France; Photo: Hertha Hurnaus
Project from Dietmar Feichtinger – Zentrale Veolia, Frankreich
Social housing, Paris; Photo: David Boureau
Project from Thorbek Lars - Queensferry Crossing Construction
Bridge to Mont-Saint-Michel; Photo: David Boreau