EventsClimate change and justice

Climate change and justice

Michael Reder

Munich School of Philo­sophy

Event from
17 January
Foto von Michael Reder



Both from a political as well as an economic viewpoint, climate change is currently one of the most pressing global challenges facing humanity. From an ethical perspective, for many peoples in the southern hemisphere climate change stands for injustice. For although they are hardly responsible for climate change, they have fewer possibilities to adapt to these changes: This is why climate change is today increasingly being construed as an infringement of human rights.  


In his lecture Prof. Dr. Phil. Michael Reder addressed ethical, political and economic aspects of climate change and sought to identify elements of a political solution geared towards the principle of justice.  

Michael Reder

After studying philosophy, theology and political economy Prof. Dr. Phil. Michael Reder became a lecturer for social and religious philosophy at the Munich School of Philosophy. Since 2011 he has held the chair of practical philosophy with the focus on international understanding at the Munich School of Philo­sophy, international understanding being a practical-philosophical challenge at the heart of his research activities. Michael Reder also heads the Rottendorf Project entitled “Global Solidarity” and is a member of various working groups such as the CAS working group on “Public Ethics”.