EventsLandscapes and Structures

Landscapes and Structures

Jürg Conzett

Conzett Bronzini Gartmann AG, Chur, Switzerland

Event from
07 November
Photo from Jürg Conzett



As the planner of a number of bridges in Switzerland, Jürg Conzett concentrates on structures and their relationship to the landscape.

Bridges, tunnels, passes, viaducts, roads or their supporting walls are ­a very distinctive feature of Switzerland’s landscape. A central theme ­of Jürg Conzett’s work are structures serving traffic routes which on the one hand take account of engineering and efficiency yet are also designed to elicit certain emotional responses in the user and beholder.

Jürg Conzett shows how important the design value of traffic structures and the cultural significance of construction engineering are.

Jürg Conzett

Dipl.-Ing. Jürg Conzett studied civil engineering at the Federal Institutes of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL/ETHL) and Zurich (ETHZ). He worked for the architect Peter Zumthor before establishing his own engineering office in 1988. Today he leads an engineering office ­in Chur together with his partners Gianfranco Bronzini and Patrick Gartmann. They design and plan bridges and load-bearing structures for buildings. Their most important works: wooden Mursteg footbridge in Murau/Styria (Arch.: Meili, Peter, Zurich), expansion of the Higher Technical School HS Wood Biel (Arch.: Meili, Peter, Zurich), suspension bridges Traversiner Steg and Pùnt da Suransuns, Viamala, residential and office building at Ottoplatz, Chur (Arch.: Jüngling und Hagmann, Chur), Volta schoolhouse Basel (Arch.: Miller und Maranta, Basel), wooden-concrete bridge over the Glenner in Peiden-Bad, stone bridge in Vals village, Aarestege Rupperswil, Auenstein.

Jürg Conzett is a guest member of the Association of Swiss Architects (BSAA), of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and a member of the Schweizerischer Werkbund (SWB


Project by Alexandra Hagen –
Vals, Valserrheinbrücke Photo: Martin Linsi
Photo: Uwe Mühlhäußer
Ich sehe es als eine Aufgabe­ des ­Bauingenieurs, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen den oft ­widersprüchlichen ­Anforderungen der Funktion und der Ästhetik herzu­stellen.
Jürg Conzett Civil engineering