EventsThirst for Power

Thirst for Power

Michael Webber

University of Texas, USA

Event from
23 June
Foto des Vortrags von Michael Webber



Energy technology and policy are the subjects Webber deals with – both in his research and teaching activities and in his lecture at the Oskar ­von Miller Forum. His focus is on the two most critical resources – energy and water – that are closely related in their interconnections and vulnerabilities. Webber therefore argues that energy and water supply are linked to each another: Problems in either can be crippling for the other. The reasons stated by the researcher and teacher include the current popula­tion growth, economic growth, climate change, and short-sighted policies. According to Webber, this policy could actually exacerbate the situation, unless we respond with long-term, integrated and sustainable plann­ing to ensure a reliable and abundant future. 


Against this background, the author offers a new, holistic way of thinking about energy and water in his book Thirst for Power: Energy, Water and Human Survival. He not only reveals the interdependence of energy and water, but also identifies the seriousness of the challenges – with an opti­mistic and hopeful view to the future of both resources.

Michael Webber

Dr. Michael E. Webber is Deputy Director of the Energy Institute, Co-Director of the Clean Energy Incubator, Josey Centennial Fellow in Energy Resources, and Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering. At university, he trains the next generation of energy leaders at the convergence of engineering, policy, and commercialisation.

Foto des Vortrags von Webber Michael
Foto: TinnaPong/
We celebrate the space program as one giant leap for mankind. Now it’s time to take a second great leap by doing something even greater for humanity: ­investing in water research.
Michael E. Webber Professor und Engineer