The Brenner Base Tunnel Challenge
Christian Schwarz
BBT SE, Innsbruck
Tunnels provide safe, fast, all-weather connectivity. For this reason, tunnels built in many European Alpine regions have been driving their economic development. One current cutting-edge project in tunnel construction is the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) to link Austria and Italy. Carved through the Alps over a distance of 64 km, it will be the world’s longest underground railway link. It consists of a complex tunnel system that meets the highest safety standards in tunnel construction.
Christian Schwarz presented the European dimension of the Brenner Base Tunnel project, providing insight into innovative methods and techniques of tunnel construction.
The discussion session took place as part of the exhibition Visionaries and Everyday Heroes. Engineers – Construction – Future.
Christian Schwarz
Geophysicist Christian Schwarz has been in charge of developing and establishing the geophysical exploration activities accompanying tunnel excavation works at BBT SE since 2015.
BBT SE is a European corporation for the construction of the railway tunnel between Austria and Italy
- Contents
- Event
- Christian Schwarz
- Work